Salmon River
The Salmon River and it’s tributaries are low and clear- perfect conditions for excellent fall fishing. October Caddis are out, so try fishing an orange Stimulator in size 8 or 10, or an
Elk Hair Caddis with an orange body. Dead drifting Deep Sparkle Pupae, Copper Johns, Pheasant Tails or Hare’s Ear Soft Hackles should work well. Prince Nymphs and Stone-flies in various sizes are great for general prospecting and swinging Olive Matukas or Clousers in size 4-6 can produce some very nice cutthroat.
We’ve been hearing that Steelhead are being caught above Northfork- time to get all that Steelhead gear together!
Big Lost River
Red Quills will be making their final appearance in the Copper Basin area, and Baetis and October Caddis will be out during the afternoon. Try fishing Parachute Adams in size 14-16, Royal Trudes and orange Stimulators in 8-10, and Mackay Specials in size 8-10.
The lower river below the dam will be seeing BWOs and Beatis in sizes 18-22 from around 11:00 to 3:00 pm. Midges, Prince Nymphs, Pheasant Tails in sizes 18-22 and Zebra Midges are always great go-to patterns here.