Salmon River
Salmon season has begun and the fish are beginning to show up. We have reports of 125 fish in at the Pahsimeroi hatchery, and a few already up to the Sawtooth hatchery. The river below the East Fork is running a bit high but the level is dropping, and it is lower and clearer above the East Fork to Stanley. We’ve heard of one fish for sure being caught, and rumors of others being hooked and lost. For the fly fishermen, a big irritating streamer like a Circus Peanutis always a good choice, or a glo bug on a sink-tip or with split shot. For the caster and spin fisherman, cured roe or a Flying C spinner works well.
There have been very good reports of excellent trout fishing up river closer to Stanley, and Salmonflies have been seen hatching. A Bugmeister or a Sofa Pillow would be a good choice right now as well as black stonefly nymphs or caddis nymph imitations. Trout stocking up river from Challis is scheduled to begin next week, so stock up on the nightcrawler supply.
Mountain Lakes
Stocking is set to occur at Bayhorse lake next week, and the lake is accessible. Damsel fly nymph imitations and soft hackles work well, and good old night crawlers or Powerbait does the trick up there too.
We have had great reports from Jimmy Smith lake, were a small spinner will almost always fill the bag limit.
Mosquito Flat is accessible, and nightcrawlers with a marshmallow is the bait of choice, while black Wooly Buggers are the flies to try.
Plan a weekend for a hike into one of our many high mountain lakes where you will find Cutthroat and Rainbow trout, Brook trout, Grayling, or Golden trout. Stop by or call us for directions to these beautiful lakes, as well as information on flies and lures, and which lakes hold each kind of fish.
The Big Lost River
Water flows are high right now, 550 cfs, and we have not had any recent reports.