Alright everyone, we’re going to have some great information and fun coming soon. We’ll be posting fly tying videos, talking about fishing, camping gear and a lot more on our Blog and YouTube Channel. If you have something you’re interested in, like tying a certain fly, fly tying materials, knots, fishing or whatever, lets talk about it. We’re here to help you become a better fisherman and outdoorsman. If you have some tips or have some questions you want to share and we post it, you can win some flies, a Bent Rod hat or some customer reward points at our store or on our website. We’re still figuring it all out right now, but we wanted to let you know what’s in the works. When your ready, send us some requests or information to us at so we can be getting a list of things to talk about. Thanks for being with us and supporting us! We wouldn’t be able to do it without you. Greg