Trout Hunter Dubbing For Nymphs


The TroutHunter Nymph dubbing is a coarse material will works great for caddis, emergers and nymphs. You can also use it for your larger drys that you want to be a little buggy such as Stoneflies. Dubs easily and works well with a variety of dubbing techniques. Great for trailing shucks on emerging patterns.

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BK OLV, Black Brown, Black Olive, BLACKISH BROWN, BLKBRN, Brown, CADDGRN, Caddis Green, Cream, Dark Olive, GLDBRN, GLDOLV, GOLDEN BROWN, Golden Olive, Golden Yellow, Gray Olive, Grey, Grey olive, GRYOLV, Olive, OLIVE YELLOW, OLVYELL, RSTYOLV, RUST, RUSTY OLIVE, Tan, Tan Yellow, TANNISH YELLOW, TANYELL, Yellow


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