Steelhead fishing is on! Fishing has been good this week for most folks. The water has warmed up t0 38 to 40 degrees, fish are moving when the water warms up, and catch rates have improved. Water gauges show a little over 2.4ft around Clayton. The water is “steelie green” , but over all visibility is good. Steelhead are being caught throughout the system, so I can’t say one section will fish better than the other. More fish are moving upstream from Salmon, so expect fishing to just keep improving.
Swinging flies in the afternoon and evening has been fairly productive. Try Senyo’s A1 Intruder(copper or blue), but nymphing has been the best way to go. For egg patterns try the Psycho Spawn(in orange or pink), or Trout Beads. Stonefly patterns working best are the Hot Butt Stones and Steelhead Hammers.
Copper, Blue, and Green has been the best color for spoons. Roe and shrimp are still very productive.