Flows on the Salmon River are around average for this time of year. Steelhead fishing has been slow but a few fish have been caught down below the Middle Fork confluence where guys have been “walking the ice” and a couple just below town have been hooked but not caught. River is still pretty frozen but has been opening up in certain stretches where it would be possible to fish from the shore. Below Ellis the river has been staying open and definitely fishable if your one of the hardier. With some warmer weather predicted in a couple of weeks we should see more water opening up. There will be fishing for steelhead this fall, but expect low numbers showing up. You are allowed one fish per day, and three in possession. Stayed tune for what’s happening. We be updating as things start to happen with the river and the fishing in our area.
Ice fishing has really slowed down at Mackay Reservoir. You just can’t sit in one spot and expect to get your limit of Kokanee. You’re going to have to move around and punch some holes to find them. You still want to fish with spikes(maggots) or waxworms with a chartreuse or pink jig for the Kokanee. Cameras are definitely saving some time in locating the fish. We have not heard how Jimey Smith up East Fork is fishing.